Investing for profits that are sustainable and humane.


We partner with individuals, families and organizations who want their investments to do better for themselves and the world. Our professional team of fiduciaries work hand in hand with each of our clients through a thoughtful process to help them define and achieve their financial and impact objectives.

  • ESG Portfolio Management
  • Direct Impact Investments
  • Wealth Management
  • Family Office Services
  • Retirement Plans
  • Owner Succession Planning
  • Foundation & Endowment Support
A father and son standing on a dock lifting arms in opposite directions

We are passionate about helping people reach their financial goals while having a positive impact in the world

Puzzle Pieces Fitting Together

Our Company

For nearly two decades leading in our field, we continue to hold the vision of a society that is sustainable and humane.

A silouhette of two businesspeople, a man and a woman

Our People

We are committed to diversity and inclusion, offering career and succession opportunities that attract the nation’s leading impact investment professionals.

A computer screen with a magnifying glass and line chart

Our Process

In our view, considering the social and environmental impact of our investments is part of our fiduciary duty of care.

Latest Insights

Investor Update Q2 2024

Investor Update Q2 2024

In case you were not able to join our Quarterly Investor Update on July 18th, below is a recording to the presentation to view at your convenience. We covered the market, the economy, our models' performance year-to-date, and updates on our firm's impact and strategy...

Renting Vs. Buying a Home: The Modern-Day Dilemma

Renting Vs. Buying a Home: The Modern-Day Dilemma

The question of whether to rent or buy a home is a decision that has changed for many Americans as the economic landscape has changed. The old rule of thumb was to expect home appreciation right at or just above the rate of inflation, but U.S. home prices have gone up...

Investor Update Q1 2024

Investor Update Q1 2024

In case you were not able to join our Quarterly Investor Update on April 18th, below is a recording to the presentation to view at your convenience. We covered the market, the economy, our models' performance year-to-date, and updates on our firm's impact and strategy...

Impact Investors In the Media

We are featured regularly in the media as financial experts in impact investing and advisory services.

ABC 10 News Logo
Investment News Logo
SD Metro Logo
The San Diego Union Tribune Logo
Financial Week Logo


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You're invited to attend our Quarterly Investor Updates to hear our current thoughts on the market, see our most recent portfolio performance, and learn about our ongoing impact initiatives

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